Friday, December 9, 2011

Birth Story

I do not want to forget a second of my time with Quinney so I wanted to write her birth story now while it is so fresh in my mind....

The day before Thanksgiving I had my standard midwife appointment.  Steve decided to go with me so we could discuss the possibility of my being induced.  We met with Molly and she agreed with all of our reasonings for wanting the induction - my being incredibly uncomfortable due to the extra fluid, my extreme swelling, the fact that an induction would be more controlled and everyone could be prepared seeing as we had no idea how Quinn would do with the contractions.....
Though she agreed with us she wanted to discuss with a couple of the doctors to get their take.  After she checked to see how dilated I was (tight 2) she told us that she would discuss with a few doctors and give me a call in a few hours.  Steve and I stopped at the desk to make an appointment for the following week (just in case we weren't induced) and while we were there Molly and Dr Davis stopped us and had us step into a room so Dr Davis could discuss the induction with us.  He agreed that we should be induced and also discussed the very real possibility of my needing a c-section.  In all of his experience, a Trisomy baby had never tolerated labor well enough to be born vaginally and knowing that we planned on full intervention for Quinn he couldn't watch her heart rate become irregular at all.  He told me that there was the chance that I might only have 1 or 2 contractions and be sent for a section.  We discussed that I should get the epidural early in case that was the case because I did not want to have to be put to sleep for the chance that she might only live minutes and I wouldn't get to spend that time with her.  After we discussed everything with the doctor Molly told us that she would check with the hospital and call me with what time the induction would be set for. 
Steve and I left and decided to grab a quick lunch before heading back to work.  On our way to lunch we both called our Moms to let them know the news.  While I was talking to my Mom on the phone Molly called back and told me to be at Akron General at 8am Morning. 

The weekend is a bit of a blur.  We were so busy running around for the holiday and then getting all of the last minute things done to the house and everything before Quinn's arrival.  Sunday night I did manage to sleep decently and then got up around 5:30 on Monday morning.  I got ready and finished packing up then got Ashlyn ready to go to Renee's house.  We got her all dropped off, picked up some McDonald's breakfast and headed to the hospital.  When we got there we checked in and met our nurse, Danielle. 

Danielle was absolutely amazing to have through my whole labor!  I got all changed and she got my IV hooked up.  I sat in the bed and just sort of hung out for a bit.  My midwife, Laura, wasn't there yet and we weren't sure if we wanted to start the pitocin yet or not since I was so afraid that Quinn wouldn't handle the contractions well.  Once we got all of the monitors on, however, we saw that I was already having some contractions (the braxton hicks that I had been having for weeks) and Quinn was taking them just fine.  We decided that we would start the pitocin very low.  While it was doing it's thing I just sort of hung out and talked to Steve and the few visitors that would pop back now and then.  About every half hour or so Danielle would come in and up my pitocin.  Just like with Ash I wasn't really feeling much of the contractions because I had so much fluid that my uterus was being cushioned from most of the contractions.  When they finally decided that they would break my water we decided that I would get the epidural first since the contractions were sure to be much more intense for both Quinn and I. 
My epidural was perfect!  Rick got it in super fast and it was the perfect amount.  I was numb but I could still somewhat move and I didn't get the labor shakes like with Ash.  It was pointed ever so slightly more to the left so I did loose pretty much all feeling on my left side which is just weird.  My fingers could feel my skin but I couldn't feel that I was touching my leg at all.  That will really mess with you. 

After my epidural Laura was getting ready to check and see how dilated I was and break my water but as I was laying there Quinn kicked really hard and I could tell that my water was now leaking.  The kick startled all 3 of us since she pretty much kicked right where the monitor was and then I could just feel the water leaking.  I told them that either she broke my water or kicked my bladder but I really didn't think i would have that much in my bladder. It was definitely my water!  Laura checked me and I was still only at a 5.  At this time they also decided that they would put a small monitor on Quinn's head to monitor her heart so that we wouldn't have to worry about her moving and us loosing it  with the external monitor.  Once they got that on there was a beautiful little ping that would sound with the beat of her heart.  It was nice to listen to that and not have to keep watching the monitor! 

Since I was only at a 5 at this point Danielle decided to put me in the "Buddha position".  They lower the leg part of the bed so it is sort of like I am sitting on a throne.  So I sat like that for a good while just sitting and chatting with everyone.   After a couple of hours there I could feel that something had changed.  I was feeling the squeezing of the contractions more and just like with Ash my butt bones were hurting.  I buzzed for Danielle and told her that I thought that she might want to check me because I was pretty sure that this baby was about ready to be born.  Laura was in with another patient so Danielle checked me herself and sure enough I was at a 9 1/2 and she started to get everyone ready for Quinney's arrival.  We had decided prior to my ever arriving at the hospital that I would deliver in the OR whether it was a vaginal or c-section because it is right next to the resuscitation room.  Laura started to get everything ready and then I would be moved over to the OR. 

The OR was terrible!  It was bright and white and a lot of scary equipment every where.  It was cold and I was terrified!  All day I had done really well to keep my emotions at bay but this was too much!  I was so scared that she would be stillborn and I would never get to meet her.  I was terrified that something would happen and I would still end up with a c-section.  Steve was great and held my hand and told me that it would all be okay and that she would be okay!!  I tried my best to believe him but honestly I was afraid too!  Right before I started to push Rick the anesthesiologist came in and gave me a little bit more medicine in the epidural.  It turned out to be the perfect amount!  I could just barely feel that a contraction was coming and I could push but I couldn't really feel anything.  I could really only tell that I was pushing because they kept telling me how great I was doing.  I pushed for 10 minutes and she was here.  I remember at one point I didn't hear the ping of her heartbeat and I started to freak out.  I said I didn't hear it anymore and Laura told me that she was almost out and that she was okay.  Right after that they laid her on my stomach and I saw that beautiful face!  I saw that she was alive and I lost it!  I started sobbing.  I no longer knew where I was or who was there all I knew was that my baby girl was alive and she had made it into the world!  I even saw her try to cry, she was breathing and tried to cry!  I was amazed and completely and totally overwhelmed with love that I just sobbed!  I reached out to touch her little hand and she grabbed my finger!  I can't even begin to tell you how I felt at that moment!  I only got to see her for about a minute while Steve was cutting the cord and then they instantly moved her to the resuscitation room for the neonatologist to check her.  While I lay there getting all stitched up and everything they told us that she was 9 pounds 13 ounces and had Steve go into the room to be with her.  He took pictures and then they took some with their camera so that they could print them to give to me.  I honestly couldn't believe that I had done it.  I had got her here alive and she was doing better than we thought!  She was alive!!! After a little while they took Steve and I back to my labor and delivery room and were going to bring Quinn in while we waited for the transport team.  While she was there we had all of our family that was waiting in the waiting room come back to meet Quinn and then had her baptised.  It was a beautiful little service and I got to hold her the whole time!  I stared into her beautiful face in such awe of how strong she was! 
She got to spend about a half hour with us and then the transport team was there to take her over to the NICU at Children's Hospital where she would spend her short life.  Once they took her and most of the family had gone they moved me to my recovery room.  We hung there for a little bit and had Penn Station subs that my parents went and got for us then I told Steve to go ahead and go over to the NICU to be with Quinn and I would let him know when I got my pass from Laura and I would be able to go over as well.  While he went over with my Mom and Sister, my best friend, Zaina stayed with me.  We chatted for a while and then she left..  Thankfully shortly after she left Laura finally came over and got me my pass.  Once I had the pass I could leave the hospital to go over to Children's and spend as much time with Quinney as I wanted.  I think I finally got the pass around 12:30am and went to see her.  I was sore and looked a hot mess but I didn't care, I had to see my baby!  When I got there they took her out of the isolette for me and I got to hold her again.  Once again I was completely overcome with love and amazement in this little girl!  After all of the worry and agonizing she was finally here and was so so beautiful!  We stayed with her until about 2:45 or so and then headed back over to AGMC to get a little bit of sleep. 

Sorry this post was a bit matter of fact but I really wanted to just get every detail that I can remember down so that I don't forget anything. 


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